When They Need an Emergency Spill Response Oklahoma Needs it Now

by | Nov 9, 2013 | Oil and Gas

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The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) states that almost 14,000 oil spills are reported each year. While some spills are cleaned up by the responsible party, most require highly trained emergency response personnel to conduct the cleanup. While local, state or federal agencies can become involved in large oil spills, most cleanups are conducted by private teams.

This country consumes large quantities of oil. As a consequence, there are many large storage facilities. Oil drilling and transport are major industries. With so much going on all the time involving oil, it speaks well of those who handle oil that there are not more accidents. However, as everyone knows, accidents happen and these oil spills adversely affect health and the environment.

There are several techniques used to clean up oil spills; which techniques are used depend on site conditions and the type of oil. Mechanical containment or recovery is the most common technique, often using booms or barriers as they did in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. While this is what many think of when they hear ‘oil spill’, spills on dry land are very common. Oil spills or leaks can occur at any point in the production and use cycle.

ORI Environmental is committed to providing their customers with a prompt and effective response to oil spills. Highly trained technicians arrive on-site equipped to clean up the oil spill. They can also perform tank cleanouts and weir and sump cleanouts. Hazardous material and fuel spills are safely handled. All work balances common sense solutions with the most effective methods. Leaking tanks are addressed promptly. Site remediation has become increasingly important in recent years. Many innovative techniques have been developed to deal with this problem and to comply with governmental regulations. For the best Emergency Spill Response Oklahoma contacts oilsrecovery.com.

After the oil has been contained, it can be safely disposed of. Biological and chemical methods such as gelling, dispersing and biological agents are commonly used in oil spills. Rakes, pressure washers and bulldozers are frequent cleanup tools. In an effort to keep birds and animals away from oil spills, personnel have invented many ingenious noisemakers etc.

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